Positive help to stop dog-on-dog attacks

  • What if anything can we do to reduce the odds of dog on dog attacks happening? 
    So many people said in our recent survey that it has ruined their dog's life,  and even the owner's life.
    We have legislation that could cover this, but how many of you have been given a false name and address and ended up funding your own vets fees?
    How many have had the police say - no human harmed - no case to answer.
    I'll go all Crimewatch here and say don't have nightmares, is this rare - these people seem to be pretty normal people...
    What I didn't ask was the time of day the attack happened, I've heard a theory that if you walk your dogs very, very early in the morning or very, very late at night chances are you'll meet all the other people hoping to avoid an encounter with another dog and your dog will more likely be bitten.
    Do we need dog trainers to market to the owners of dogs that have bitten as many appear to be repeat offenders?
    Bite amnesties? Grumpy dog classes. I've heard of "growl" classes.
    If you provide this service - please tell me about it so I can give you a plug. What sort of thing will you be doing to stop a dog being the dog everyone dreads meeting in the park....
    Conversely if you organise training for dogs who have been attacked - let me know what you do and what it is....

    Penel Malby We see dogs who have attacked others, and dogs who have been attacked  www.dogcommunication.co.uk or Dog Communication - cos Mutts need Manners.
    17 hrs Â· Like Â· 4 Â· Remove Preview
  • Emma Semple I have that dog !
    16 hrs Â· Like
  • Angela Harry A few years ago I took my rescue Springer Spaniel to dog training and when I was registering my dog the trainers dog shot under the table and ripped all the skin off my dog's nose, needless to say I didn't go back !!!!
    16 hrs Â· Like
  • Denise Nuttall We work with aggressive dogs and provide re socialisation classes. We also run very early preventitive puppy life skills, puppy classes etc where we provide safety training and talk about Yellow Dog etc.

    The Animal Behaviourists and Trainers Council, the...
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  • Kris Glover We offer Reactive Rover classes Beverley Cuddyhttp://www.petsinpractise.co.uk/.../reactive-rover-courses
    Dog Training and Puppy Training in Reading, Berkshire - Pets in Practise
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  • Suzanne Boucher My dog was killed by a pack uncontrolled but the police investigated after previous incidents but my dog was off the lead too so deemed out of control too. They told me even if my dog was on the a lead longer than 1.5 metres long it is deemed out of control! Unbelievable! The only satisfaction I got was the people concerned got banned from walking dogs on Windsor great park and any Crown Estate land but they are still out there with the unmuzzled dogs 2 Rottweilers Doberman Alsatian Labrador collie and terrier walking elsewhere
    16 hrs Â· Like
  • Louise Downing Having owned two rescue BSD bitches who became very lead reactive, after being attacked and being spayed, I looked into many posotive ways of helping them. I am now a TTouch Practitioner and an APDT Trainer. Over the last 15 years I have worked with many people with reactive dogs. Where possible we help them in a club environment, but if that is too stressful for the dog (and/or the owner) I offer 1-2-1s. Www.k9communication.co.uk 
    I looked for other avenues to educate and stimulate my dogs' both mentally and physically, and both of them were able to participate successfully in agility competitions because they became more focused on the work than the fear of other dogs.
    It is not easy owning a dog that is uncomfortable around other dogs, especially with the new laws, but management is a huge part of keeping you, your dog, and others safe.
    dog trainer, dog training, one to one dog training, ttouch, dog training classes, puppy class birmingham
    8 hrs Â· Like Â· 1 Â· Remove Preview
  • Louise Downing Janet Finlay of http://canineconfidence.com/ runs excellent courses and workshops concentrating on both ends of the lead! She helps owners understand their dog's issues and how to help them and themselves cope better within their environment.
    Ttouch practitioner, dog trainer and coach, Janet Finlay,...
    8 hrs Â· Like Â· 1 Â· Remove Preview
  • Caroline Cowan I run Prickly Pooches classes; http://cardiffcaninecitizens.com/.../cla.../prickly-pooches/, really more of a programme. I was a local authority Dog Warden for 11 years and have seen dog atttacks from both sides. First week an introductory session without the dog, then one week in a training barn followed by three weeks on a secure field.Owners them receive a one to one at the end of the course. Everyweek oners receive an email with links I would like them to watch. Course is very supportive and clients can contact me as many times as they wish throughout the course and for 6 weeks after the course. We also have fortnightly sessions where we meet at the venue for some practice and then venture into the local neighbourhood and park. These classes have been running for almost 2.5 years and we have had some fantastic success and everyone improves! The venue enables me total control of dogs and people the class will meet. Clients don't even park next to each other as some dogs can't cope with this!
    Visit the post for more.
    7 hrs Â· Like Â· Remove Preview
  • Mandy Dorman We have got a couple of control orders for dogs that persistently have attacked and injured other dogs. It was as a last resort as the owners failed to take sensible precautions to prevent their dogs acting in this way i.e. training, muzzling etc.
    5 hrs Â· Like Â· 1


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