Whoopi don't...

Just been sent this transcript of what Whoopi Goldberg said about dogs on a show... She might be a mighty fine comedy actress, but would seem if she isn't following a script she's not in the least bit amusing. This will annoy you...

Here's the relevant part from the show on March 18 2011: 00:07:18
"But let me ask you this, Albuquerque, Al Paso and Austin are some of the cities banning the retail sale of dogs and cats under one year old. It's an increase to attempt shelter adoptions and stop substandard breeding practices. I don't know if it's good. The effort to promote, I love the effort, but why should you tell me I can't go to the, you know, Dogs of America that is here in the mall and if my kid sees a cat that she likes or, a dog that she likes that I shouldn't be able to buy it. I understand you want me to get a shelter dog, but if I want to go do this, I've had it with people telling me what is p.c. for them. I agree with that part. That's what it is. They should have strict regulations on breeding and not have puppy mills. Some of these puppies in these pet stores, they have puppies that are not healthy. That's not true for a lot of them. How do you separate the regulation of that keep in mind that, you know, when you start mixing lab or puppy doggles with Cocker Spaniels it's good though, isn't it? I don't know if it's good listen, with breeds you know what their issues are going to be. With an English Bulldog, you know they have respiratory issues. You know this going in. But when you have a labra-pooka-mooka-dog or some dog. And you breed them. You got a -- you don't know what it's going to -- if you have a snort problem, what's the dog? What's the dog? Bulldogs. But if you mix that dog with, let's say, a dog with a big nose, maybe an elephant's, the one, you know what? And now a word from our sponsor. Thank goodness."


Frances said…
Badly expressed, ill judged, ill informed and, basically, wrong. But no doubt there will be people who follow her "advice" ...
Georgia said…
I ad trouble keeping up with what she was saying!
Chapstaff said…
I've read it twice now - is she illiterate or something as well as a pillock??

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