Looking for photos of Lennox walks and vigils
Did you and your dogs have a candlelight vigil for Lennox either at home or with others, did you demonstrate or have a protest walk? Have you got a hi-res print quality photo of your Lennox walk we can put in our September magazine? (Ideally about 1MB when you attach).
If so can you email me one ASAP? Plus enough information for us to use a caption? Just a few words about how you all feel about Lennox and BSL generally. We're got a massive tribute running in our next issue and we'd love to show photos from all around the world if at all possible. Please email beverley@dogstodaymagazine.co.uk with the word Lennox tribute in the subject line.
If so can you email me one ASAP? Plus enough information for us to use a caption? Just a few words about how you all feel about Lennox and BSL generally. We're got a massive tribute running in our next issue and we'd love to show photos from all around the world if at all possible. Please email beverley@dogstodaymagazine.co.uk with the word Lennox tribute in the subject line.