Sorry to have been quiet

We've just put the February issue to bed. It's hard to blog on deadline. Off to a pantomime this morning with the kids, so no time to catch up - so many things bloggable have happened in the last week. Will update shortly!


Anonymous said…
Hello I wonder if you have replied to my comment on Boxer tails in the December issue of Dogs Today (Investigates) hope you have taken on board what was said and look forward to your reply. Jo Casey
Anonymous said…
I have just read with great interest Febs copy of Dogd Today, and about the boxers being brought over from Ireland after their tails being docked, my eldest broth has lived in Shannon Eire for 22 years now and has always been the owner of boxers, his last boxer Monty passed away in october and he missed him so much he decided to buy another, but he cannot find a boxer with a docked tail.! he says that it is now illegal to dock tails on Ireland, so has now bought a baby ith a tail, (who has since damaged it) I personally prefer dogs with docked tails, so i am pleased that my two have the docked tails, tasha being one of the last pups being sold with docked tails,
I cannot understand where in Ireland these pups are coming from if it is banned in Ireland as my brother says. does anyone know if Ireland has really banned docking?
Anonymous said…
In answer to my own queation re is it legal to still dock tails in ireland, it is, I have been in touch with an irish breeder who confirmed this, my brother for once got it wrong, but he says in Shannon where he lives they all have stopped docking.

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