Putting your dog on a pedestal?

A few days ago we got an anonymous letter alerting us to a new product called a show stacker. It was a very grainy scan of a photo. But I've just had a search and found the website for the product and found these photos on showstacker.com
The website says:
"Can't get your dog to behave and stand still on the table at the shows? Does your dog stand still while he's examined by the judge? No? Well, we've got the problem solver!"
Easy To Use!
And They Work!
Used by BIS Winners
The SHOW STACKERS™ are portable and lightweight, easy to travel with, yet strong and secure for your dog to feel at ease on. A few minutes a day training on the SHOW STACKERS™ will turn your fidgety dog into the confident show dog a judge will notice, and one you can be proud of!
In the show ring, your dog may have to remain stacked for up to thirty minutes or more depending on the number of exhibits. Make it easy on yourself and your dog, train them on Showstackers.
I have to say I am speechless. I thought I had seen everything...
If there were any show people near me right now I'd bloody thump them.
I suppose the theory is to train your dog to stand on this stacker thing, which it would presumably have to do for fear of falling, put the command to the action, then the dog would have learnt to "stack" in that position in the show ring when given the command.
I call it lazy & cruel.
i would not choose to use one of these contraptions, but lets not get too carried away and make them out to be torture devices. afterall isnt a slip collar a potential ''torture'' device if used improperly? stop using this as yet another way to have a go at the show folk.
If they move, they are left hanging by their necks.
Very cruel.
Margaret Carter
Dogs are not left on them and they do not fall off ! They are not forced or ill treated in any way
and secondly whilst I dont use one, they are not cruel if not used cruely, its no more cruel than teaching dog tricks like standing on barrels etc which dogs do happily and wagging for treats and toys if trained with happiness....
some people see only what they want to whether that be good or bad...