Hounds for Heroes has a heroine!

Every now and again my mobile rings and it's lovely Allen Parton with exciting news. Allen and EJ were on the Labrador rescue stand at Discover Dogs and he says he met lots of lovely Dogs Today readers and had a really fun time.
Many asked him about his new venture Hounds for Heroes and how things were progressing. Allen remembers explaining to one lady how difficult it is to start a new charity as the charity commission wants you to have £5,000 before you can start.
He recalled that the lady had listened very intently.
Anyway, Allen's call today was to say he'd just opened his post and that same lady had sent him a cheque for £5,000!
Isn't that wonderful.
On a sadder note, Allen told me his wonderful wife Sandra is quite poorly and is having to take things  easier than usual until she goes in for an op. But getting busy people to slow down is very tricky. She's already put her surgery off once as she didn't want to miss an important date in the Canine Partners calendar. Sandra is their Puppy Operation's manager - but it sounds like she needs a Human Operation's Manager to get her to slow down and get well.
We all hope Sandra starts feeling better soon and is getting a lot of pampering from Allen and the dogs.
Allen very mischievously says he's now in danger of becoming addicted to watching lunchtime soap Doctor's now Sandra is at home during the day. (I used to like watching that when I was working from home - was always good to eat my lunch in front of! I bet Allen was secretly tuning in already...!)


Chapstaff said…
What a lovely lady to donate all that money.

Hope Sandra has her op soon & gets well quickly
TheEejits said…
Wishing Sandra a speedy recovery!

How wonderful some people can be :)
Jackie Allen said…
Re Allen & Hounds for Heroes - we are running a Coffe Morning and Home-made Cake extravaganza on Sat 19 June at Rudgwick Village Hall, West Sussex - 1030-1300 to raise funds to support Allen. Lots of stalls, raffle top prize is a Dog-friendly cottage for 4 in the Lake District for a week.
Jackie Allen

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