Chewing the fat

Every now and again you remember what it was like being at school. Not the great bits of being a child, but the sort of behaviour from the mean kids that you rather hoped they'd grown out of.
I've deleted two anonymous comments recently that were personal snipes. I've thought long and hard about whether I should have published them and I can't decide whether the noble thing was to ignore them or publish them, so here goes... I'm sharing.
Beverley, if you put half as much enthusiasm into your diet as you do making false allegations regarding Accredited Breeders it could be quite successful. Obviously, the concept of dog walking is fairly foreign to you judging by the state of you on GMTV this morning.
and when I didn't press publish there was a further post amusingly stating that TV doesn't add 10lbs - looked like much more...

Well anonymous, it's true - I could do with losing some more weight. Thank you very much for pointing it out. As for my false allegations about the Accredited Breeder Scheme... struggling here. Could you tell me exactly what on earth you are talking about? Oh, and while we're at it - how about giving me your name as it would be really nice to know the name of my new health and beauty advisor.


Linda Ward said…
I thought you looked fabulous!

When people resort to ad hominem attacks you know it's because they don't have a coherent argument.

Don't let them change the subject.
alfmcmalf said…
LOL at that "anonymous" mob! Beverley consider yourself to be winning the argument when the detractors stoop to such juvenile tactics. And of course should you so wish you can lose a few pounds whereas no matter how hard they try, they will never be able to change their small minds nor increase their levels of intelligence.
Knowing that your appearance on the sofa with Oscar made then feel so bitter and angry has quite made my day.
Julie Hill said…
They say as an editor you're not doing your job unless you're upsetting someone!
Plus I struggle with my weight (-9lbs & counting) and when I did some showing last year I was far from the heftiest lump trotting round the ring! - just a comment.
Forget those who aren't brave enough to supply a name and have a great weekend.
Anonymous said…
Sorry you've had personal comments.. it is just ridiculous. I guess you could see it as flattery ;-) they are obviously thinking of you and your work regularly..maybe you're getting through to them and they don't like it! (oh an I would stop being 'anonymous' if I could figure out how to create an account! sorry!)
wellie boots said…
totally outrageous and unecessary. agreed, they are clutching at straws when they resort to things that are completely unnecessary and have nothing to do with the argument in hand.
Claire M. said…
I couldn't quite believe what I was reading! Really nasty. Let's hope 'anonmymous' doesn't have any children that they are providing a 'role model' for!! I wholeheartedly agree with the above comments. Lots of love to you Beverley x
Penkitty said…
How childish to resort to such unnecessary comments, it just shows the inability to challenge your argument with any truth that the cowardly poster has to make personal jibes instead.
Anonymous said…
Sure is some horrible people around. Beverley the dogs need people like you please please just ignore and keep doing what your doing.
Jay said…
C'mon Beverly, drop the ''poor me'' routine. While it sets you up for a flood of supportive responses from your devoted following, surely as someone who very much desires being in the public eye you are willing to take the downside that comes with it.
Skibble said…
I agree, it was a spiteful comment. Jay I think the point here is stick to the arguments, and don't make personal attacks. I sometimes don't 100% agree with Beverley, but I have never seen her resort to personal attacks on someones appearance, which this comment clearly does. Play fair on the issues to be discussed, not on the person who is putting forth their opinion!
Jay said…
Re: Skidge's comment, of course the name calling and fat jokes are uncalled for and point is that a woman in Beverly's position probably has thicker skin than to let juvenille comments from ''anonymous'' posters get her in a funk.

Incidentally I notice that anon's can get their posts published as long as they support that playing fair? Beverly is a bright and intelligent woman, and should not reduce herself to whinging about name calling to score sympathy points from her devotees.
Jay said…
PS I didn't think the show, but for what its worth I think Beverly is pretty :)
Beverley Cuddy said…
Don't know if you've noticed Jay but there's a new blog to comment on, certainly not dwelling on this! And there are plenty of anonymous posters get their comments approved and they don't have to be agreeing with me - what's your point?
Beverley Cuddy said…
Guess the reason I published the comment was I didn't want to give the anonymous poster the satisfaction of sending me totally private abuse. They obviously get a kick out of having a go at me and they know I would read their nasty comments even if I chose not to publish them.

It shouldn't matter what any of us look like, it's what we say and do should be the important thing.

It's not like I'm using my looks for work - I'm not a glamour model or an actor - I'm the the editor of a dog magazine! If the size police dictate anyone stepping in the public eye must be as thin as as show Miniature Dachshund, well it'd be a very strange old world!

No one likes to be called fat. We can all pretend it doesn't hurt, but it does!

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