Dogs Today photoshoot - the movie!

Part one:

Part two:

Part three:

Part four:

I hope you enjoy the film. I've had to split it into four parts! Turn off your mobile phone. Get comfortable. Perhaps cup of tea and a cushion. And if you stay through to the end there's an interview with Tim Rose, probably the greatest dog photographer in the world. Thank you so much to everyone who attended the shoot. Beautiful dogs, lovely people.
And just in case some of you don't know, the owner of the gorgeous tiny little cross is Mina Ward's mum - Mina runs Boredom Busters and is a regular contributor to Think Tank and did a stint of helping out at Dogs Today's offices.


Chapstaff said…
Fabulous - loved watching the vids. It's great to see what goes on at a photoshoot, especially when my mate Emma from D for Dog is on there with JRs Mollie & Brac, so exciting!

I see the crew eat a typical healthy working lunch!
Fiona (Fionnphort) said…
Great fun! Good to see what happens.
bugs said…
Brilliant videos and there'll be some wonderful pictures. It makes it more special when there's people you know doing the photoshoot, namely, Emma & Tracy with Mollie & Brac, and Stevie from 4Pawz&More with her dog Uncle Muzi, and the rescues, Buggly and the puppies. Well done to all.
Ruth said…
Hello! I really loved those videos, partly because I adore dogs, and partly because I want to be a photographer (specializing in dogs) when I grow up. It's wonderful to get an insight into what it's like, thanks very much!
Yorkiegirl said…
Looks like a great time was had by all. Especially little Boon who has been through such a rough time until he was fostered (& dog napped) by Rosalie Ward a very experienced foster carer for the Yorkshire Terrier & Toy Breed Rescue. She has done a great job, all be it very hard work getting him healthy again.
Arran Sutherland said…
Great videos & what looks like a really fun experience for both dogs and humans!

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