Virtual dog show to help the Australians

Just cross-posting this from another list with permission:

I am sure that you have heard about the dreadful wild fires that have hit Victoria, several kennels have been wiped out. The Alaskan Malamute fraternity is mourning the loss of an entire family Mum, Dad, kids and all of the dogs. There are many more sad stories at present the death toll is 108 and rising. The areas that were hit were very popular with dog, cat and horse breeders, and they did not stand a chance. Very sad, have shed lots of tears in the last couple of days. I believe that DogsVictoria are setting up a Paypal method of entry, I wondered whether you could pass this on in the UK for me. I will understand if it is too difficult.
If anyone wants to contact me to find out more please give them my email address, and I will see if I can answer the questions for them.

Just got this from the Ozshow list Dogs Victoria is running this as a fund raiser.
All money raised will be shared among our members who are victims of the bushfires

A catalogue of ‘the show’ will be given to each of these members as a sign of the support of their friends

The catalogue will simply show breed, dog’s name and owner’s name. Why not make an entry in the name of your favourite dog that may no longer still be with you.

Entries $10 per dog (make cheques payable to DOGSVICTORIA)
Enter as many dogs as you like

Send entries to: Peter Frost
28 Currajong Rd
No stamped addressed envelope is needed)
Let us make this the biggest dog show entry ever.

For more details click here

The PayPal facility is now available. I am sending you the link, for international donors who may have a PayPal account should they wish to donate. If you scroll to the end of the notice you will see the PayPal symbol Donate
For Australian exhibitors, who wish to enter, there is the facility to download Entry Forms.

Lynda Webb
Lokynnda Beardies,
South Australia


Anonymous said…
I hope no one minds me crossposting this post to a dog website i belong to. There are many Australian people and there dogs on the website i'm on and we're all praying for the safety of everyone at risk and mourning the lifes lost.


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