Did Endal touch your life?

Have you got something you'd like to say about Endal?
We'd like to collate tributes from as many people as possible.
Please either email me (beverley@dogstodaymagazine.co.uk) or post in the comments section here so all can see. Here's the tribute in today's Daily Mail.
Allen has just emailed me this:
Having just completed the Endal book, I had the unique and wonderful opportunity to explore the past in such detail. We all laughed at the things we had done. Endal was invited to open a school, a hydrotherapy centre, help launch Crufts and even open a wheelchair accessible loo!
The list rolls on... but if I was to think of the most important thing Endal has opened over his 13 years it has to be opening so many people's minds to how important and valuable dogs are in our lives..well....it really is job well done my faithful Endal.
I still can't pinpoint what I did to deserve Endal's unconditional love and devotion... I have been truly blessed. But now I realise that Endal was never only my dog - he was everyone's and the world truly is a sadder place today for his passing.
His greatest legacy has to be bringing me back to my family and also mentoring faithful little EJ (Endal Junior)too. EJ is already punching above his weight and able to do 90% of what Endal was capable of, but it would not have been possible if Endal had not been here to teach him. The two were as one and I would be being selfish to think my sense and feeling of loss was the greatest because Ikea and EJ dearly miss him too..the three musketeers are now two.
I had been given the opportunity yesterday morning to tell Endal how much I love him and to thank him for all he has done for me these last 12 years and that is possibly the most important and significant moment of our relationship. He went peacefully in my lap surrounded by those that loved him most, much loved and now much missed.
I first met Allen, Sandra and Endal in 1999 and I have to say watching their story unfold has been a huge honour. Everywhere Allen went this dog was making someone smile.
Has there ever been a dog so universally loved? A more famous dog? A better role model for the species? A dog that touched so many people?
This was a dog that even counted the Queen as one of his fans, she asked after his health only a few weeks ago.
Endal inspired people to see that the love of a good dog could change the world.
Even now he's gone, he'll still be doing it.
Allen knows how it feels to come back to your family changed, to not be the person everyone was expecting. The unconditional love Endal gave made Allen accept himself and put his whole family back together.
Allen had felt broken and purposeless.
Endal made Allen not just feel useful once more, he made him capable of almost anything - made him reach for the stars. No longer the disabled person in the room - often the most able to change things.
Over the years Allen and Endal visited many badly injured troops, often extremely physically disfigured and deeply depressed. Allen explained to me that due to medical advances people are now surviving really devastating injuries, but it is so hard for everyone to accept these once handsome able men who come home so terribly damaged.
Allen saw that Endal didn't discriminate and that love was often a scarce commodity for broken men like he had once been.
This experience inspired Allen to launch Hounds for Heroes.
This new charity will mean that the Endal legacy will carry on - that a little bit of that Endal magic can be brought into these returning troops lives. Everyone needs a friend, to make waking up each morning something to look forward to rather than dread. Who could not be moved by a Labrador pup's enthusiasm for life?
The idea is for a dog that will go down the pub with you as well as pick up your keys if you drop them. If your battle scars makes it hard for even your own mother to look at you without crying - it is so powerful to have a dog that just sees the person inside. A dog to love you and remind others that there is still a real person inside - even if it wasn't the one who went to war.
A dog to spread some much needed joy, love and hope.
These next few days will be especially hard for the Parton family. There's no hurrying the tears that need to fall, Endal didn't touch their lives lightly - he leaves a massive gap.
I'm sure Ikea and EJ will be trying to lick away the sadness and will be a huge comfort.
Endal will never be forgotten.
He changed the world and what he started should never stop.
The Endal Sky Real Lives Documentary repeats frequently, all the more poignant now we know he's gone. After it airs there is now a small tribute to mark Endal's passing.
Endal the movie is now in production and Allen writes a monthly column in Dogs Today each month.
Hounds for Heroes website is http://www.houndsforheroes.com/ - but the two other charities that Endal was closely associated with (apart obviously from Canine Partners) were Labrador Rescue and Dog Theft Action.
We send our love Margaret and Janet
Ruth xxxxxx
god bless you
what a dog he was
Endal will be dreadfully missed but I think what Allen said to me by email today is lovely:
"Endal was all about looking forward with hope and not back with sadness."
Endal was such an amazing dog and companion. Read all about Allen and Endal here:
I know how Allen and his family must be feeling and I send my love to you all.
I can say that all at Labrador Rescue South East and Central will be so upset to have lost one of our Patrons, he was an inspiration to all of us and we loved him so much. Give EJ an extra cuddle from us. Love Sheila
God bless Endal, you will never be forgotten because you have a special place in all our hearts x
Allen you have my deepest sympathies and I hope you are not too sad as he enjoyed wonderful years with you.
Run free Endal enjoy being young and well again xx
Jenny Goodall - Daily Mail Photographer .
Thankyou Endal for helping us all at LRSE&C.
Kathryn. Lab Rescue NW.
Endal was one dog in a million and will always be remembered.
My thoughts are with the family at this very sad time.
Run free Endal.
Sending hugs and healing thoughts to Allen and Sandra as well.
"The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand,
nor the kindly smile nor the joy of companionship;
it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when
he discovers that someone else believes in him
and is willing to trust him."
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Karen xx
angels in furry coats. These are the dogs who have been here before and
choose to come back and change people's lives for the better.
Every year at Crufts I met with Endal,Allen and Sandra, After I lost Bella
they were such a support to me and Endal was the first dog I saw and I cried
into his fur.
A dog he was, yes, , but when you look into the eyes of Endal you see a wise
spirit destined to be sent to this world to make a difference.
Allen and Sandra were blessed to have him in their life following such a
tragedy and he was blessed to become a famous dog leaving behind a legacy
for millions of people.
At Crufts 2009 I gave Endal a kiss in the press room (he was on his bed and
we had a nice cuddle after what was a very long day for him) I told him he
was special and loved - I did not know then I was saying goodbye. It is with
great sadness I write this tribute but I know where Endal is going - back
home to where the angels live and I am sure my Bella will be there to greet
Jill Moss
President and Founder
The Bella Moss Foundation
Endal was a great ambassador to the canine world and it was a privilege to meet Alan and Endal at Crufts for many years. He will live on in EJ.
Endal is now pain free and at peace.
Remember the 12 years you had together and and all the memories.
Thinking of you all.
Penny, Tuppence and Amber and their mum and dad.
Louise & Family x
God Bless Endal and Allen and family - you showed how love will always prevail. You are our thoughts always -
Sue, Dusty, Chez - HULL East Yorks xxx
My deepest sympathy to all the Parton family
Love Woodysmum xxxx
We were honoured to have known Endal through his work for Labrador Rescue South East and Central. He never forgot his duties and he truly was a gentleman amongst dogs.
We feel you loss Allen. Our thoughts are with you and your family. All our lives are better for having known Endal and all our hearts are saddened by his passing.
Cross over the rainbow bridge Endal and run free x
I can imagine how they must feel because I, like hundreds of others, have had to lay my own dogs to rest. It is the final gift we can give them when it is time to go. EJ, I know is doing really well so Allen will once more have the help and assistance from this very special breed.
There must be hundreds of tributes pouring in but probably not many of them were able to meet this wonderful combination of man and dog. How very lucky I am. Endal's picture has been on my desk, next to this computer since the day I met him and there it will stay.
With best wishes
He was Allen's rock - but an inspiration to everyone. Everyone who met him - or even read him - smiled, and he has done more for promoting how 'the dog factor' than any canine I know. In this time of anti-dog propaganda, he showed what dogs are all about - unconditional love and many, many smiles.
Sadly, those smiles have turned to tears now he's gone - but they will come back with time. He was a dog in a billion - and we'll all miss him.
(I still suspect that he wore Superman pants under his dog fur, however, and changed into a cape when needed - such as when he put Allen in the recovery position, or pulled the plug in the bath when Allen lost consciousness....)
Endal, you were a hound for a hero - and a hero yourself, big guy.
Thank you Allen for sharing Endal with the rest of the world. He was an absolutely INCREDIBLE dog and did things far, far beyond any of his training.
Give a special hug to Ikea and EJ (& an extra biscuit).
We were both very touched by the genuine kindness they showed each other and were proud to have known them.
We watched the programme last week about The Dog That Saved Our Marriage and feel that that is a very fitting tribute to such a wonderful friend and companion.
Our thoughts are with the Parton family at this sad time but feel it is time to look back and celebrate Endal's life.
Patrick & Jean Harnedy - Herne Bay
Endal and Allen have for many years been prominent and very energetic ambassadors for all that dogs do for humans. They frequently appeared at major events throughout the country and supported a large number of worthwhile causes. These included all the various assistance dogs organisations and forces welfare.
Another passion has been Dog Theft Action, a charity dedicated to help prevent dogs being stolen and to assist those who have been victim to this despicable crime.
The passing of Endal is also a sad loss to all dog owners as his high profile in the media can not be over-estimated. He became a real personality and championed the importance of dogs in all our lives.
However, as Endal leaves us his replacement is now preparing himself to act as Allen's aid and companion. EJ ,as he is known, will continue championing so many causes as he inherits Endal's place beside Allen.
So, with the passing of Endal, a wonderful era comes to end but another undoubtedly begins with his replacement, EJ - Endal Junior.
Neil Ewart
The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association
Run free Endal, happy, healthy and pain free.
God bless all the Parton family
Gail Stewart
I am really so sorry for your sad loss of dear Endal. To lose such a wonderfully, talented pet who has made such a dramatic difference to your lives must be just heartbreaking. He seemed like a fabulous dog who touched many lives and I am sure he will be looking down on you and your family right now with a big smile and a wagging tail.
God bless you all
Lyndsey xx
Nigel Hemming
The pictures will continue to remind us of what Endal was and I expect that in the fullness of time we will have a collection of pictures of EJ emulating Endal.
Thank you for the pictures Endal - RIP
Elliot wears his 'friends jacket' with pride when we are out in the City and so many stop and want to talk. There is now an extra topic to pass on, and the name of Endal will live on forever.
All our love J & D XX
As ever he created a relaxed atmosphere in the studio. We were in the presence of a really remarkable character.
I always knew I could rely on Endal to get on the background as he had done for the past nine years and persuade Allen to perform. Truly inspirational.
I just wanted to write to say how sorry I was to hear the very sad news about Endal. I know Endal enriched your lives and he also made a big impression on everyone he met.
I (and my own Labrador ) had met Allen and Endal on several occasions at events over the years. He was a truly remarkable dog and will certainly be missed by many.
I’m sure you’ve heard it before but Rudyard Kipling couldn’t have put it better…..
Brothers and sisters, I bid you beware
Of giving your heart to a dog to tear.
Thinking of you at this difficult time.
Debbie Rowlands
Today my Father in the u.k informed me of the sad loss…so I consequently emailed Allen and his wife and received an absolutely wonderful reply. My heart goes out to them both at this sad time. Having had a couple of Labradors I know just how much joy they bring into our lives and when you lose them it is incredibly painful, and a large part of your life dies.
Endal was a truly amazing dog and has done so much in his life to bring such joy to so many people. Even though I had never heard of him before the book I read a few weeks ago, he has really made an impact on me and I am just so sorry that I will never be able to meet him.
Kind Regards
Denise Edwards
Bribie Island
niki and holly
Lucy Mars xXx
I always find this poem helps a little so I hope it may do for you too:
Do not stand at my grave and weep;
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry;
I am not there. I did not die.
Love and blessings, Mandy xx
I met Allen, Sandra, Endal, Ikea and EJ when I worked at Canine Partners last year. Allen and Sandra were particularly welcoming to me and attended exhibitions that I organised with huge enthusiasm and I shall remember Crufts 2008 fondly with all of them being there. The bond between Allen and Endal was superb to watch both taking care of each others needs instinctively. Endal has left a huge gap that needs to be filled but EJ had an excellent role model/tutor and I know that Endal will be pleased to see his good work being carried on from above. RIP Endal. Lesley xx
I can only say to Allen that Endal will always walk by your side in spirit - small comfort, I know, Allen - but he will never leave you. Part of him lives on in EJ, and he will be keeping an eye on you both from his comfortable spot at the Rainbow Bridge, no doubt lending a guiding paw now and then.
Jill Dellow
Corby, Nothants.
breeders.How proud we were every call or email from Allen updating us.Endal was unique, his devotion intelligence and perception evoked emotion from everyone he met.Never a dry eye after an Endal moment even now as i write this.God bless the greatest canine ambassador ever. "our boy" Sue and Barry
I found it very poignant reading about you & your family preparing for Endal's retirement :(
I'm glad he didn't have a prolonged illness & that it was quite quick in the end.
Endal will be a hard act to follow, but you have a gift with dogs, so I'm sure between the two of you you'll get EJ trained up well.
I hope he gives you some comfort.
Love from Caroline, & Staffie licks from Tala x
I have been to be able to get to know Allen better over the last few weeks via direct correspondence regarding his new charity Hounds For Heroes which I have become involved with. I am truly honoured that Allen has asked me to become one of the trustees of his new charity and look forward to working with him to ensure the legacy of Endal goes on.
Allen, Sandra and family, my thoughts are with you, but together we will make sure his abilities and special character go on to help other injured service personnel.
With love
Endal was not only an amazingly clever and intelligent dog he was an example to us humans of what true love, loyalty and commitment are.
Keep that tail a wagging Endal. XXSu
I read the book & thought it was excellent.
You, Sandra & Endal are a true inspiration & hopefully EJ will do his predessor proud.
Thank you for publishing your story, Hope to see you all at Crufts next year!
In memory of the lovely Endal.... cheers.
Allen - thank you so much for the direction to this blog. We are honoured to be able to tell you how much Endal touched us when we watched that TV programme. We fell in love with him through the screen and I had a lump in my throat from the moment we learned of his athritis. I even shed a few tears at the end when we learned of the sad, sad loss. But to spend his last moments in your arms is sheer happiness and perfection. What an incredible dog. We have joined to facebook support page and would be delighted to hear how the gorgeous EJ is getting on.
Allen - we admire you and your family greatly after the programme telling us of your struggle over many years. My partner Rhys currently serves in the armed forces and wishes to send you his upmost regards and respect.
We will miss Endal with all our hearts and will be thinking of you at this sad time. With all our love to you, Sandra, your children and your beautiful dogs Ikea and Ej xxx
May your life be filled with smiles x
We are all thinking of you at this sad time. Thank you for sharing your story with us. Endal was an amazing dog and we will all miss him.
Kindest wishes
Love Denise C
Allen sometimes grumbled that Endal needed a bath after rolling in something unpleasant or he had chased a rabbit into the undergrowth while out on walks but in the final weeks of Endal’s life he slept beside him on the floor so that his beloved dog – always on duty - would not wake during the night to check on his master. I could not help but laugh when Allen complained that he woke up one morning to find that Endal had availed himself of the comfortable settee during the night while Allen remained on the floor.
Although we were all expecting it, I was personally devastated to hear the sad news about Endal on Friday 13th March – it felt as though my own dog had passed away. Since then I have realised that the Parton family have shared Endal with dog lovers all over the world for 12 years. The intrusion into family life must have been hard to accept – but I’m so glad they did and I thank them from the bottom of my heart. Endal made us all feel better and I will miss him more than words can express.
Margaret Nawrockyi
It was with great sadness that the Trustees of Dog Theft Action (DTA) learned that their first Canine Advisor, Endal had died at his home in Portsmouth aged 13. His owner and partner Allen Parton, Vice Chairman of DTA rang to say that the vet had come to Endal at 11.00 on Friday 13th March. Only a week earlier Endal had made his final visit to Crufts 2009 at the side of Allen’s wheelchair.
Endal joined DTA in 2005 and was always present at DTA events as well as on the stand at dog shows where he patiently and kindly greeted the public, posed for countless photographs and demonstrated the potential of the microchip.
Endal was also our canine representative in the Houses of Parliament. Every month Endal and Allen would travel to Westminster to represent DTA at the Associate Party Group for Animal Welfare. There Endal was a favourite among the members and would participate in appreciation for presentations with a gentle and encouraging ‘Woof’.
At a recent Annual General Meeting of DTA Trustees the secretary’s report read as follows,
“Our dear friend Endal – the very first DTA canine advisor is now enjoying a peaceful retirement at home in Portsmouth. I would like to express my sincere thanks to Allen for all his efforts in ensuring that DTA was included in Endal’s list of public appearances which I know could rival that of any movie star or premier footballer.
“The contribution Allen and Endal – the Dynamic Duo - have made to DTA’s understanding of complex issues, morale, integrity and constancy is priceless. So thank you Endal – it has been wonderful having you with us and have a long, healthy and very happy retirement.”
The Trustees were very much aware that Endal’s health was not good. He had been injured at Crufts 2007 and struggled to recover. It was always a delight to see Endal at events and shows but it gradually became more and more apparent that old age was taking its toll. It was wonderful to see Endal in the press office at Crufts 2009 but we knew it would be our final meeting with the Dog of the Millennium.
The Trustees send their very best wishes to the Parton Family at this sad time and
celebrate the life of this wonderful dog who touched the heart of everyone he met.
Endal was a very bright star but I am confident his son EJ will shine just as brightly. I am sure EJ and Ikea will also continue to raise awareness of a very important issue which needs a great deal of support in order to improve the lives of so many injured service men and women.
x Alli x
Endal touched the heart of millions across the globe and his memory will live on in EJ and Ikea.
Having just finished your book,Allen and Sandra you are a true inspiration to us all.
Run free Endal,with much love to you all xx
My heart is heavy to think of Allen with out his constant companion. But Endals work must have been done here. He worked his magic- lit the flame of goodness for Little EJ to help Allen continue on doing all the good they do in the world.Making all the world a much nicer place to be.
I could go on forever- But the entire Parton family is in my prayers as always, hoping time will make the saddness more bearable.
Allen always reminds me- "Endal was never about sadness"-
Love to you,
Sandra in America
The wonderful thing about this relationship was that they were made for each other. Together they achieved more than most people could imagine, and yet little would have been possible without the support of Allen's wife Sandra and their children. Team Parton made sure that the concept of dogs helping people stayed in the public's mind, and counteracted much of the negative publicity about dogs that recurs in the tabloids and on the television. Allen reminded people constantly that there are dogs everywhere doing extraordinary jobs working for people.With Allen by his side, Endal was bold enough to fly in planes, do brilliant unrehearsed exercises for live TV, appear at Crufts, and be filmed by hundreds of film crews. He was one of the truly great dogs, and will be very sadly missed by all who knew him. And he leaves some very big paw prints indeed for Endal Junior to fill!
Nina Bondarenko
My thoughts go to Allen, Sandra and EJ at this hard time in their life, and may our thoughts brighten up their lifes, at this moment in time.
Thanks to Allen and Sandra for their book as no-one who has read it will forget this golden joy.
Farewell Endal, we love you.
Lucy xxx
I can't imagine the pain Allen and his family are going through at the moment, but my thoughts are with them at this sad time.
I no that Endal will be watching Allen, and he will be feeling very happy with himself at all he and his family have achieved. I know that he would not like Allen to be sad because he's gone, he would want him to remember the good times and look forward to his new life with EJ whom I know he loved dearly.
This is a truly remarkable story, and just shows how animals can touch our lives. Each animal has different qualities, but what they all are is extremely loyal, with endless love.
When I found out Endal had passed away I was so upset, I couldn't believe that such a special dog was no longer with us.
Endal will be remembered by everyone who had the privilege to know him, and everyone who had the privilege to read his book.
God bless you Endal, you are a one in a million.
Tanya & Murphy (lick lick)
Ann & Bob Hatcher
We will all meet our canine companions at 'The Bridge'.
Endal will long be remembered by many unknown people, especially me, who now know his story.
'Gone from our sight
But never our memory;
Gone from our touch
But never our heart.'
Kindest regards,
Elaine (Mansfield)
Hobart, Tasmania
Love Karen xx
Such working dogs literally transform the existence of the person lucky enough to receive one. Even so-called 'ordinary pets' have great potential to change lives and of course we love them all.
There are hundreds of dogs out there, working to help people, whether they be Guide Dogs, Canine Partners, Hearing Dogs for the deaf etc. ENDAL was an exceptional dog and showed what can be achieved. Please support the training of these fabulous dogs, in ENDAL's memory.
Terry Knott
I am sure Endal will be teaching a lot of old dogs many new tricks in his new life - God bless him.
I have been in contact with Allen and I know that Endal will be a huge miss to them all but I also know that they will all carry on with the amazing spirit always shown by the Partons.
I'd not donate a penny to your charity one that is obviously so shallow and morally bankrupt. I would imagine the other organisations you that you have mentioned would feel equally uncomfortable at you poorly executed pitch at fund raising.
I read Allen and Sandra's wonderful new book and I loved it. Hearing of the how one dog did so much in his life time was so very moving and this couple should be very pleased with what they have managed to achieved with the help of their loveable Labrador, Endal.
Like the death of any special dog, Endal's will probably not be easy. There will always be a part of the Parton family missing. The part Endal has taken with him on his journey to heaven, along with all the other good dogs and friends.
I wish Allen luck with training of EJ and I am sure he will try to lick away all your tears and pain. I know it feels to lose a dog you love but the hurt will soon tranform into happy memories over time because that is how Endal would want you to remember him.
Jessica Ellis, age 13
I read Allen and Sandra's wonderful new book and I loved it. Hearing of the how one dog did so much in his life time was so very moving and this couple should be very pleased with what they have managed to achieved with the help of their loveable Labrador, Endal.
Like the death of any special dog, Endal's will probably not be easy. There will always be a part of the Parton family missing. The part Endal has taken with him on his journey to heaven, along with all the other good dogs and friends.
I wish Allen luck with training of EJ and I am sure he will try to lick away all your tears and pain. I know it feels to lose a dog you love but the hurt will soon tranform into happy memories over time because that is how Endal would want you to remember him.
Jessica Ellis, age 13
Take care and Endal you are another little star twinkling in the sky.
I started reading the Endal & Allen book in early March 09, it was the cover that attracted me with the picture of a labrador on it. I was hooked and read about an amazing dog and the courage and sheer determination of his owner and family. I was glued and finished it tht same afternoon. My connection is that I too own a yellow lab - a girl named Honey, aged 11.5 years.
Sadly we learned on Friday 13th Honey was extremely ill and passed away on the morning of the 14th. We decided immediately another dog was not for us, as no one could ever replace our beloved pet but we wanted to do something in her memory, having the book close by I remembered Allen's charitable work with Labs and wrote to him, by return I learned the sad news of Endal's passing too. A double devestation in one weekend. I know exactly how they must be feeling.
Well in both their memory's we have set-up our standing order to the Central Region Lab Rescue, knowing the spirit of Endal will live on in EJ and Honey will be at peace now. Endal - you were one shining star and hope your glow touches everyone in heaven, you and Allen were truly inspirational partnership and hope you managed to impart all your skills to EJ who can continue your loyalty and service.
With our love and thanks for sharing your story, The Goodwin Family, Telford, Shrops.
I cannot express how sad it was to hear of the passing of your dear ENDAL.
It was always a pleasure to see both and sometimes three of you at the Crufts Dog Show. I always made a point of taking photos at the show and indeed the last photo that I took at the 2008 event was of ENDAL on his own, that came about because as I was walking along one of the many corridors outside of the main halls at the NEC I came across the two of you having a rest, when I asked if I could take a picture of the both of you, you moved out of the way with a cheery 'He is the important one'.
the photo that I took was of ENDAL wearing his mauve Canine Partners jacket, sitting upright and looking at you like a King.
No words can ever do him justice and I am sure the rest of your family along with EJ and IKEA miss him greatly, but although you can't see him I am sure he is still watching over you to make sure things are being done right.
If ENDAL is laid to rest at the Ilford PDSA Pet Cemetery, where he was the guest of honour when it reopened after the refurbishment, I am sure he will be well looked after.
Anyway, take care of all of yourselves, I just felt you had to know how greatly thought of he was.
ENDAL truly was THE DOG of the MILLENNIUM.
With great respect
Lesley Ford
The book Sandra and Allen have written is both honest and heartwarming. Endal was very special because he adopted Allen, normally it is we who choose our dogs. It was a perfect relationship and I think the book will be a lasting legacy, particularly for Allen, but one that all dog owners should read. It shows what an influence dogs can have in our lives."
With kind regards
Pauline Scholey KCAI
Endal was truly a dog in a million, an inspiration to many. God bless Endal x
Australia "Kobelco Labradors" any book with a lab on the front cover is going to comand my atttention. When i picked up the book I had no idea just how much attention, I could not put it down. Endal certainly was a special dog. I have since insisted that a friend who had a head injury in around 2001 read it, he has, and can relate to how Alan felt trapped in his body, his wife is one of my good freinds. thanks for such a great book.
Kelly- Sunny Australia
Run free in heaven Endal
I wish Allen and Sandra luck with Hounds for Heroes-a great legacy for Endall.
I feel honoured that Allen responded to my appreciation of his book.
My yellow labrador, Baxter, chose me, when he was three years old as he came up to me just after my beloved Shane died. He sensed I would give him the home he was looking for.
I will never forget Endal, and thank you Allen and Sandra for writing your story because otherwise I would never have shared your experiences with a dog that words cannot justify.
Best wishes and good health for the future.
Jennifer Cairns
that the Parton family found a wonderful dog with whom to be.
Love Pauline
Having met Endal and Allen Parton at the millennium Dog Calendar photo shoot I wanted to say how sorry I was that Endal had passed away. He was a wonderful dog and helped Allen and family remarkably. We won “best dog with children” with Bella who was September in the calendar and sadly we lost her on 1st March this year, it was heartbreaking. My sympathies go to Allen and his family.
Kind regards
Kay Love
Treasure your memories - they are very special to all of us.
Thanks for letting us share your remarkable story.
Thank you so much for allowing us such insight into your lives and I wish you happiness for the future.
With love and admiration. Carol x
The pain at his passing must be impossible to convey, only those who have suffered the loss of a pet can begin to imagine it. Rest in peace Endal, maybe now I do believe in miracles xxxxxxxxxxxx
kerala photos
Gina x
I just read 'Endal' this afternoon, and it was such an inspiring story.
It's hard to lose a pet, I've seen several of our own dogs pass on and it's never an easy feeling to bear.
Endal seemed like a truly remarkable dog. I wish I could have met him.
Reading the book taught me that every single moment is precious and that even when things seem hard to bear, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.
God Bless, Endal.
Matt in Lindford
R.I.P. Endal (1995-2009).
Elliot was partnered to a Lady for seven years and on retirement was 'adopted' by Jenny and Dennis.
Today Elliot has joined Endal for the final journey.
Both sadly missed but happy for their final retirement.
Have fun, both of you!! XXX
he was a very clever dog who inspired a lot of people (together with his owner)
I really enjoyed reading all about Endal and the Parton family and have passed on the book to other dog lovers.
wishing the Parton family lots of love and happiness
Endal will always be remembered.