Keep checking here for some good news!

I am bursting to tell you something!
But I can't - yet.
We were, I am told, the first to know and as yet the people at the sharp end don't all know - so that has to happen, so until then we've got to sit on our hands.
But I have a massive grin on my face and I want you to have one, too.
So please check back later when I will have been given the go ahead to spread the word!
This news has restored my faith in lots of things.
We can all make a real difference if we stick together.


Anonymous said…
let me guess you sticking your knife in the back of the pedigree dogs and kennel club world again is it?
Beverley Cuddy said…
You're looking a little silly now aren't you Anony-mouse! Read the great news for ALL dogs.
bugs said…
Look forward to hearing what it is.
Why can't other people have the courage of their convictions, and not remain anonymous?
Beverley Cuddy said…
See the next blog post for the great news - suspension of the use of captive bolts on dogs! Yipppeeee

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